Here are the sources for the workshop, along with some recommended books, films, documentaries, and podcasts on the ocean.

Three references from IPBES, OFB et IUCN with its Red List of Threatened Species
An educational website for discovering marine species, from the surface to the abyssal plains.
An article on the origin of the oxygen we breathe (French only)

The IPCC released in 2019 a dedicated report on the Ocean and the cryosphere as well as the 6th assessment report.
The platform Ocean&Climate with high quality scientific sheets
The website Océans connectés, a marine science media

The website of ADEME as well as France Energies Marines for MRE
The website of Green Marine Europe, the environmental certification program for European maritime industries
Innovative initiatives on the transport side such as Neoline, Grain de sail, Zephyr et Borée, Towt, Airseas…
The tracking website to see ships live all over the planet

The classics “Oceans” by Jacques Perrin or “Our planet, Planet Ocean” by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
“Artifishal” (about aquaculture)
"Cargo the hidden face of freight"
"The sand investigates a disappearance"
"The wisdom of the octopus"
"Wrecks and pollution, the black tears of the ocean"
“Sonic Sea” on noise pollution
“Dams, water under high tension” on Imago
“Right whales vs lobsters” on ARTE (on the impacts of trap fishing)
The documentary series "Mediterranean, the odyssey for life" on France TV
The “Toxic Tour” documentary series on pollution replayed on ARTE
“Krill: the secret of the pack ice”
Many programs such as the famous "cash investigation" or the podcasts of France Inter (in particular la Terre au carré) and France Culture and France Bleu.
IMAGOTV a committed film platform!

The French reference is the site of the IFREMER. This site explains in particular the different types of fishing.
FAO with precise global statistics on fisheries and aquaculture.
FranceAgriMer for French data.
Here are some examples of apps and guides for sustainable consumption: WWF guide, MR GoodFish app, EthicOcean Ethiquetable website

ADEME with, for example, a focus on the treatment of our waste
NGOs like Surfrider Foundation Europe (application to move towards Surfrider zero waste), theTara Ocean Foundation Or Zero Waste
The media Blutopia, "the utopia of a pollution-free ocean" with quite sought-after newsletters

“Reconciling people with wildlife” by François Sarano
“The Plankton Handbook” by Pierre Mollo & Anne Noury
“In the name of the sharks” by François Sarano
“ Mandela’s penguins” by David Gremillet (on seabirds)
“Homo detritus, Critique of the waste society” by Baptiste Monsaingeon
"Green algae, the forbidden story" by Inès Léraud (BD)
“Ocean Scrapers” by Anita Conti
“For a revolution in the sea, from overfishing to resilience” by Didier Gascuel
"An ocean of battles", the biography of Daniel Pauly by David Grémillet
“Ocean of Life: how our seas are changing" by Callum Roberts
“Geopolitics of the poles, towards an appropriation of polar spaces? » by Anne Choquet, Camille Escudé-Joffre and Frédéric Lasserre
“Paul Watson” by Lamya Essemlali (Sea Shepherd)
"The Jungle of the Oceans" by Ian Urbina
“Tomorrow the Ocean” by Hugo Verlomme
"Water" by Jean-Marie Vigoureux (popularization of many physical notions around water"
“The sea a natural therapy for our health” by Dr Deborah Cracknell
KAYZEN's Special Edition “Seas and Oceans”

Ologies, by Alie Ward
So you want to be a marine biologist, by Kara Muzia
The Deep-sea podcast, by Armatus Oceanic

One Planet, One Ocean
L’Océan au coeur de l’humanité
Durabilité des pêches et de l’aquaculture
L’économie bleue durable, la maritimisation et l’océan
Trame verte et bleue